The Brown County Board of Developmental Disabilities is a county agency committed to ensure that individuals of Brown County with developmental disabilities receive a variety of services, support, and opportunities so they can live, work, learn, and enrich their lives within their communities. Once a person with developmental disabilities becomes eligible, services and programs can begin at infancy, and continue for a lifetime.
The Brown County Board of DD serves residents of Brown County who meet the eligibility requirements for services. Each adult applying for any service is administered by the Ohio Eligibility Determination Instrument (OEDI) and children are administered the Children's Ohio Eligibility Determination Instrument (COEDI). The OEDI and COEDI were developed by the Ohio Department of Developmental Disabilities and all counties must use these for determining eligibility for DD Board Services (Paragraph C of Rule 5123:2-102 of the Administrative Code).
Due Process Appeal Rights are available to anyone applying for and found ineligible for services, or persons who receive services and who disagree with changes in those services. The Brown County Board of Developmental Disabilities helps people with their Due Process Appeal.
The Department of Job and Family Services complaint procedures are used for Medicaid services. Contact your Service and Support Administrator or the Job and Family Services office at (937) 378-6104
Complaints for Early Intervention are filed with the Ohio Department of Health at (614) 644-8389; or e-mail beis@odh.gov; or mail ODH/HMB, 246 North High Street, Columbus, Ohio 43215