MUI/UI/Health and Safety Concerns
Reporting Unusual and Major Unusual Incidents

 The Unusual and Major Unusual Incident system is set up to help protect all individuals served with Developmental Disabilities.

"Unusual Incident" means an event or occurrence involving an individual that is not consistent with routine operations, policies and procedures, or the individual's care or Individual Service Plan (ISP), but is not a Major Unusual Incident. Unusual Incidents may include, but are not limited to: dental injuries; falls, an injury that is not a significant injury; medication errors without a significant likely risk to healthy and welfare; overnight behavioral supports without a likely risk to health and welfare; emergency room or urgency care treatment center visits; and program implementation incidents (i.e. failing to provide supervision for short periods of time, automobile accidents without harms and self-reported incidents with minimal risk).

"Major unusual incident" means the alleged, suspected, or actual occurrence of an incident. Major Unusual incidents may include but are not limited to: Physical, Sexual, or Verbal Abuse, Neglect, Misappropriation/Theft, Death, Significant injuries, Attempted Suicide, Missing Individuals, Medical Emergency, etc.

UI/MUI Incident reporting

To report an Incident contact: (937) 378-4891 Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. To report an incident outside of business hours, contact (937)725-0686.

Fax/submit the completed Incident Report to (937) 378-3585, or send the report via email to and SSA.

Contact the Ohio Department of DD through their hotline (866-313-6733) if there are concerns or difficulties in reporting to the county board of DD.

If you are a Provider, all requirements outlined in MUI Rule 5123-17-02 must be followed.