

There are seven members of the Brown County Board of Developmental Disabilities. Five are appointees of the Brown County Commissioners and two are appointees of the Brown County Probate Judge.

Denise Holden - President

Angela Marlow - Vice President

Emily Ernst - Recording Secretary

Kara Williams

Samuel W. Schweickhart

Patrick Klump

Reggie McKenzie

2024 Monthly Board Meetings
  • January 15
  • February 19
  • March 19
  • April 16
  • May 21
  • July 2
  • August 20
  • September 17
  • October 15
  • November 19

Board Meeting Minutes

Public Access for Board Meetings

The Brown County Board of Developmental Disabilities meets on the 3rd Wednesday of each month at the Brown County Board of Developmental Disabilities, located at:

325 West State Street, Building A, Suite 2, Georgetown OH 45121.

Unless otherwise announced, each meeting of the Board will begin at 12:00 p.m. In compliance with Section 121.22 of the Ohio Revised Code (Sunshine Law), the public is invited to attend meetings of the Board; however, when addressing the Board, the following must be adhered to: (Excerpt from Board Policy -- Section 1:05 Meetings of the Board) H. The president of the board or a majority of the members may extend to visitors the privilege of addressing the board. Procedures for citizen’s participations shall be developed. Participation by Citizens Procedures:

A. The president of the board or a majority of the members may extend to visitors the privilege of addressing and the order of business at any regular meeting shall include an opportunity for members of the public to address the board, provided, however, that the board does not obligate itself to consider any request or proposal unless submitted to the president in writing at least seven (7) days before the meeting, exclusive of Sundays and holidays.

B. The Board endorses the principle of open communication between the superintendent and his staff and free communication of all personnel with the program's organization through recognized channels of communication.

C. Any individual or group may address the board concerning any subject that lies within the board's jurisdiction. Question are to be directed to the board as a whole and may not be put to any individual member of the board or the administrative staff. Any matter upon which the board may be requested to act must be submitted in writing to the board not less than seven (7) days excluding Sunday and holidays, prior to the date of the meeting at which the subject is to be discussed.

D. It shall be in order for members of the board to interrupt a speaker at any time to ask questions or make comments in order to clarify the discussion.

E. Not more than five (5) minutes shall be allotted to each individual speaker and/or group presenting on the same topic or subject under discussion.

F. No person shall present orally at any meeting of the board, a complaint against an individual employee of the board. Such charge or complaint shall be presented to the Superintendent, in writing and signed by the person(s) making the charge or complaint for resolution. A charge or complaint concerning the Superintendent shall be presented to the board in writing and shall be signed by the person(s) making the charge.

The Brown County Board of Developmental Disabilities Administrative Offices is located at 325 West State Street, Building A, Suite 2, Georgetown, OH 45121. As a public entity, the Board's administrative offices are open to the public 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. weekdays, except holidays, inclement weather, and other board approved program closure days, such as staff in-service training days. Members of the public may access the Board's administrative offices using the following procedures and contact information:

The Brown County Board of Developmental Disabilities
325 West State Street
Building A, Suite 2
Georgetown, Ohio 45121

Telephone: 937-378-4891
Fax: 937-378-3585

• All visitors, providers, and applicants must check in at the front office when arriving.
• Visitors must sign both "in" and "out" on the guest book when arriving and departing.

Upon request to the Superintendent, Brown County Board of Developmental Disabilities shall make reasonable accommodations for a person to be able to participate in this activity.